Work seamlessly across the entire development life cycle

Build a No-Code Backend using development best practices

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Build on Xano with your team using Development best practices

Collaborate in Real-time

Real-Time Collaboration enables teams to edit any API simultaneously, just like a Google Doc!

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Collaborate in Real-time

Build Safely with API Drafts and Test Data

API Edits are saved as drafts and can be easily tested before publishing. Multiple Data Sources allow you to test with sandbox data without affecting the live data source linked to production.

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Test APIs and Data Sources

Branch and Merge

Create branches for when you want to build new features or prepare for the next app version without affecting what's live. Team members can work on separate branches, and Xano makes it easy to merge when it's time.

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Branch and Merge
For Enterprise Accounts

Track changes across workspaces

Xano's Compliance Center tracks any change within a Workspace. This includes all Database, API, Function, and Background Task changes and reveals the team member who made the change.

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Compliance Center
For Enterprise Accounts

Role-based Access Control

Xano's Permissions Center allows you to have full control over role-based permissions across each workspace within an Instance that you manage.

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RBAC - Role-based access control

Build Without Limits on a Secure, Scalable Backend.

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