
No Code vs. Code: Which Builds Faster?


In this guide, we'll walk you through building a robust job board application using both the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js) and Xano, a no-code backend. We’ll cover the complete process for both approaches, including database configuration, server setup, API endpoints, business logic, and authentication.

Setting Up the Database:

MERN Stack:

  1. Install Mongoose: This library facilitates interaction with MongoDB.
  2. Define Job Schema: Create a schema to define the structure of job documents:
  • `JobSchema` stores job details such as title, description, salary, and company.
  1. Create Job Model: Export this schema as a Mongoose model to use it throughout the project.


  1. Add a Database Table: Go to the database page and click to add a database table named `jobs`.
  2. Spreadsheet View: Use the spreadsheet view to add columns for job properties (title, description, salary, company, etc.).

Configuring the Server:

MERN Stack:

  1. Dependencies: Install required packages (`express`, `mongoose`, `cors`, etc.).
  2. Server Configuration: Write a `server.js` file to:
  • Set up the server with `express()`.
  • Configure middleware for parsing JSON and handling CORS.
  • Connect to MongoDB.
  • Define routes to manage job listings.
  • Start the server to listen on a specified port.


No setup needed, as Xano configures the server for you!

CRUD API Endpoints:

MERN Stack:

We create RESTful API routes for CRUD operations:

  1. Routes for Jobs:
  • Get All Jobs: Defines an endpoint to retrieve all jobs from the database.
  • Create a New Job: Allows for adding a new job listing to the database.
  • Update a Job: Facilitates modifying an existing job listing.
  • Delete a Job: Enables removing a job from the database.


  1. Autogenerate CRUD Endpoints: Check the box for "Create an API Group and Add Basic CRUD endpoints" when creating the jobs table to autogenerate the endpoints.
  2. Manual Addition: Alternatively, go to an API group, add an API endpoint, and select from prebuilt CRUD endpoints, linking them to the jobs table.

Custom API Endpoints:

MERN Stack:

We create a custom endpoint to filter jobs by salary range:

  1. Get Jobs by Salary Range: Defines an endpoint to retrieve jobs within a specified salary range by handling `minSalary` and `maxSalary` query parameters.


  1. Create a New GET Endpoint: Name it "jobs_salary_filtered" (or choose another name).
  2. Add Variables: Click the "+" in the inputs section to add `min_salary` and `max_salary` integers, making them nullable.
  3. Query Rules: Click the edit (pencil) icon on the "query all records" element, add conditionals to filter by salary.
  4. Save and Publish: Save the query rules, query all records, and publish the endpoint.

External API Requests:

MERN Stack:

We create an external API request to add company descriptions:

  1. Modify the Job POST Method: Update the job creation route to include an external API request.
  2. External API Request: Fetch company descriptions based on company names.
  3. Store Company Description: Include the fetched description in the job document.


  1. Modify the POST Jobs Endpoint: Go into the autogenerated endpoint and add an external API request step.
  2. Configure API Request:
  • URL: Add the corresponding URL, ending with "%s".
  • URL Filter: Use "sprintf" to dynamically insert the company name.
  • Headers: Add authentication headers with "Authorization: Basic ".
  1. Run & Debug: Enter job values for testing and debug to get API response details.
  2. Add Record: Move API request above the add record step, assign company description to the job from the response.
  3. Save and Publish: Save the add record step, publish and confirm.


MERN Stack:

  1. Define User Schema: Create a schema for storing users' information, including email and password.
  2. Middleware:
  • Token Authentication: Checks the presence of a JWT token in the request headers and verifies its validity.
  1. Authentication Routes:
  • Signup: Handles user registration by creating a new user document in the database.
  • Login: Authenticates users by checking their credentials and issuing a JWT token.


  1. Create a User Table: Go to the database tab, create a table named "user" with email and password columns.
  • Password Encryption: Xano encrypts the password for you.
  • Authentication: Enable authentication in the table settings.
  1. Prebuilt Authentication Endpoints: Go to the API tab, add signup, login, and auth/me endpoints from Xano's prebuilt options.
  2. Done: No further action needed for authentication.

Final Thoughts:

After following these steps, you should have a functional job board application. The MERN stack and Xano provide different yet powerful approaches to full-stack development:

  • Database: Defines storage structures.
  • Server: Manages server setup and communication.
  • API: Facilitates CRUD operations and custom functionality.
  • Authentication: Secures sensitive endpoints.

Now, deploy your application and begin iterating based on user feedback for continuous improvement!

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