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Uiflow is a powerful, intuitive, and collaborative drag-and-drop application development platform that enables you to build and deploy front-end applications for browsers and mobile devices without code. Uiflow's logic components and data integrations enable you to build complex front-end logic with ease.

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Uiflow + Xano

Introduction to Xano and UI Flow

Xano is a powerful backend-as-a-service platform offering a no-code API builder, a flexible database, and automation capabilities. UI Flow, on the other hand, is a visual front-end development tool enabling users to build complex web applications without deep coding knowledge, while still supporting custom JavaScript for advanced customization.

Why Integrate Xano with UI Flow?

The combination of Xano and UI Flow allows developers and businesses to:

  • Accelerate Development: Utilize Xano for managing data and backend logic, and UI Flow for creating the user interface, speeding up the development process.
  • Reduce Technical Debt: Both platforms support modification and expansion, helping teams avoid getting locked into unsustainable code.
  • Enhance Collaboration: Separate but integrated platforms allow frontend and backend teams to work simultaneously without dependencies.

Setting Up the Backend with Xano

  1. Create a New Xano Instance:
Start by setting up a new instance in Xano, configuring the database, and API settings. This instance will manage all data operations and server-side logic for the application.
  1. Define the Database Schema:
Define the database schema in Xano relevant to your application. Include tables for contacts, deals, and users, each with fields suitable for the data it will store.
  1. Develop APIs:
Xano automatically generates CRUD APIs based on your database schema. Customize these APIs according to your needs to ensure they provide the right data for your frontend application.

Developing the Frontend with UI Flow

  1. Set Up UI Flow Project:
Create a new project in UI Flow and structure the basic layout using the drag-and-drop interface. This will form the visual component of your CRM.
  1. Connect to Xano API:
Add a new data connection in UI Flow to connect to the Xano backend. Utilize the API endpoint URLs provided by Xano to fetch, display, and update data in real-time.
  1. Design UI Components:
Drag and drop UI components such as text boxes, buttons, and forms into your project. Bind these components to the data fields managed by Xano for dynamic data interaction within the app.
  1. Implement Logic for Data Interaction:
Utilize UI Flow’s logic workspace to add functionality such as creating new contacts, updating existing data, and deleting records. Set up event triggers and actions to call the corresponding APIs in Xano.

Testing and Deployment

After setting up the integration, thoroughly test the application to ensure all components work harmoniously, and data flows seamlessly between the frontend and backend. Once testing is complete, deploy the application to a production environment where it can be accessed by users.


Integrating Xano and UI Flow offers a powerful approach to building scalable web applications by combining the ease of no-code and low-code platforms. By following the steps outlined above, developers can effectively harness the capabilities of both platforms to build sophisticated web applications tailored to their needs.

Xano + Uiflow tutorials

Build a CRM with Xano and Uiflow: Session 2
Sign up for XanoSign up for Xano

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