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Adalo + Xano

Building applications with a robust backend can be a daunting task, especially for non-technical users or those with limited coding experience. However, with the power of Xano and Adalo, you can develop mobile applications without writing a single line of code. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to connect your Xano backend to Adalo, a popular no-code platform for building native mobile apps and desktop web applications.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. A Xano account with a backend setup (including data models, APIs, and authentication)
  2. An Adalo account with a team plan or higher

Step 1: Prepare Your Xano Backend

In Xano, create the necessary data models, APIs, and authentication endpoints for your application. For this example, we'll use a simple setup with two database tables: 'users' and 'photos'. We'll also have APIs for authentication, users, and photos.

Ensure that you have the following APIs ready:

  • Authentication APIs (e.g., login, sign up)
  • APIs for your data models (e.g., get photos, create photo)

Step 2: Create a New Adalo Application

  1. Open Adalo and click on "Create New App."
  2. Choose whether you want to create a native mobile app or a desktop web application.
  3. Click on "Advanced Options" at the bottom.
  4. Check the "Use Xano Database and Authentication" option.
  5. Click "Done" and provide a name for your application.
  6. Click "Create."

Step 3: Connect Xano to Adalo

  1. In the Xano connection wizard, click "Begin."
  2. Enter your Xano API base URL (found in the API groups page) and click "Run Test."
  3. Adalo will automatically detect your authentication and user endpoints.
  4. Click "Next."
  5. Select the additional APIs you want to create collections for (e.g., photos).
  6. Click "Finish."

Adalo will now have collections for your Xano data models and APIs, allowing you to seamlessly integrate your backend functionality into your application.

Step 4: Configure Login and Sign Up

  1. Navigate to your login screen in Adalo.
  2. Select the login button and add a "Xano Login" action.
  3. Connect the email and password input fields to the Xano login action.
  4. Add an action to navigate to the home screen upon successful login.
  5. Repeat the process for the sign-up screen, using the "Xano Sign Up" action.

Step 5: Display Data from Xano

  1. On your home screen, add a list component to display photos from your Xano backend.
  2. Customize the list item styling by setting the image source to the photo URL from your Xano collection.
  3. Add additional details like the photo name or description as needed.
  4. Create a new screen to display the full photo.
  5. On the list item, add an action to navigate to the "View Photo" screen and pass the selected photo data.
  6. On the "View Photo" screen, add an image component and set the source to the current photo's URL from your Xano collection.

Step 6: Preview and Test

With everything set up, preview your application in Adalo to ensure it's working correctly. You should be able to log in, view a list of photos from your Xano backend, and see the full-size photo when you click on an item.

Congratulations! You've successfully connected your Xano backend to Adalo, enabling you to build powerful applications without writing any code.

Benefits of Using Xano and Adalo

  1. No-Code Development: Build applications quickly without the need for extensive coding skills.
  2. Rapid Prototyping: Create minimum viable products (MVPs) and validate ideas in a cost-effective manner.
  3. Streamlined Collaboration: Enable collaboration between technical and non-technical team members.
  4. Scalability: Start small and scale your applications as your business grows.
  5. Time and Cost Savings: Reduce development time and costs compared to traditional coding methods.

Whether you're a no-code enthusiast, citizen developer, traditional developer, or part of a startup or small business, the combination of Xano and Adalo will help you develop mobile apps more effectively.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to the Xano community or support channels. Happy building!

Xano + Adalo tutorials

Adalo + Xano External Users
Adalo & Xano: How to Use Adalo Query Parameters to Filter a List on a Screen
Sending an attachment from Adalo to Xano
Adalo and Xano - Using Xano Timestamps in Adalo Screens
Sign up for XanoSign up for Xano

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