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WeWeb + Xano

In this guide, we'll explore how to seamlessly integrate WeWeb, a powerful front-end development tool built on JavaScript (Vue), with Xano, a robust backend platform, to build dynamic web applications without writing a single line of code.

Introduction to WeWeb and Xano

WeWeb offers complete design freedom and advanced logic for front-end development, while Xano handles server, database, and API tasks seamlessly on the backend. Together, they provide a full-stack, no-code solution for creating complex web applications.

Key Components of Integration

Front-End Development with WeWeb

  • Designing User Interface: Utilize WeWeb's drag-and-drop interface to create user-friendly interfaces with dynamic elements.
  • Managing User Interactions: Use WeWeb's variables and workflows to manage user interactions such as form submissions and data display.

Backend Setup with Xano

  • Database Schema Definition: Define data models and tables to store application data effectively.
  • API Endpoint Configuration: Set up CRUD APIs and authentication endpoints to handle data operations securely.

Steps for Integration

1. Setting Up in Xano

  • Create a new instance in Xano and define the database schema based on your application requirements.
  • Develop APIs for CRUD operations and user authentication using Xano's intuitive interface.

2. Configuring WeWeb

  • Start a new project in WeWeb and configure Xano plugins to establish a connection between WeWeb and Xano.
  • Set up authentication endpoints and integrate them into your WeWeb project for user management.

3. Building the Application

  • Design the user interface in WeWeb, incorporating dynamic elements and data bindings to interact with Xano's backend.
  • Implement user authentication and authorization functionalities using Xano's pre-built authentication endpoints.

4. Testing and Refinement

  • Thoroughly test the application to ensure seamless interaction between WeWeb's front-end and Xano's backend.
  • Refine the application based on user feedback and performance testing results.

Benefits of Integration

  • Accelerated Development: Combine WeWeb's front-end design capabilities with Xano's backend functionality to speed up application development.
  • Simplified Maintenance: With WeWeb and Xano, developers can easily update and modify both front-end and backend components without disrupting the application's functionality.
  • Enhanced Scalability: Scale your application effortlessly by leveraging Xano's scalable backend infrastructure and WeWeb's support for dynamic front-end components.


Integrating WeWeb and Xano offers a powerful solution for building dynamic web applications with ease. By following the steps outlined in this guide, developers can create sophisticated applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Explore the endless possibilities of WeWeb and Xano integration and unlock new opportunities for innovation in web development.

Xano + WeWeb tutorials

Building a Twitter clone with WeWeb and Xano
Build from scratch: a weather app with XANO and WeWeb
Build a job board with Xano (backend) and WeWeb (frontend) – PART 1
Build a job board with Xano (backend) and WeWeb (frontend) – PART 2
Realtime Websockets with Xano and Weweb
Sign up for XanoSign up for Xano

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