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Jet Admin

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Jet Admin + Xano

Integrating Xano with Jet Admin offers a powerful combination for building dynamic web applications with robust backend functionalities and intuitive frontend interfaces. This guide provides a broad overview of how to connect Xano's backend services with Jet Admin's frontend design capabilities.

Overview of Xano and Jet Admin

Xano is a backend-as-a-service platform that simplifies database management, API creation, and server-side logic through a no-code interface. It allows users to create custom data models, define API endpoints, and handle authentication seamlessly.

Jet Admin is a no-code application builder designed for creating admin panels, CRMs, and internal tools visually. It offers drag-and-drop functionality for building interactive user interfaces without writing code.

Integration Steps

  1. Setup Xano Backend:
  • Create or select a Xano instance.
  • Design your database schema by adding tables and defining relationships.
  • Configure API endpoints to interact with your data, including CRUD operations and authentication methods if required.
  1. Configure Jet Admin Frontend:
  • Sign in to your Jet Admin account or create a new one.
  • Start a new project and select the desired template or create a custom design.
  • Define data sources by connecting to your Xano instance using the provided API endpoints.
  • Map database tables to frontend components to display and interact with your data.
  1. Connect Xano APIs to Jet Admin:
  • Obtain the base URL for your Xano API endpoints.
  • In Jet Admin, navigate to the data source settings and add Xano as a resource.
  • Provide the API endpoint URLs and configure authentication settings if necessary.
  1. Build Frontend Components:
  • Use Jet Admin's drag-and-drop interface to design pages, insert elements, and define interactions.
  • Customize UI components to visualize data, such as tables, charts, forms, and filters.
  • Implement navigation and layout structures to create a seamless user experience.
  1. Test and Debug:
  • Validate the integration by testing data retrieval, modification, and deletion operations.
  • Use debugging tools provided by both Xano and Jet Admin to identify and resolve any issues.
  • Ensure that data flows correctly between the backend and frontend components.
  1. Optimize and Scale:
  • Fine-tune performance by optimizing API requests, caching data, and minimizing latency.
  • Monitor usage patterns and user feedback to identify areas for improvement and future enhancements.
  • Scale your application as needed by adding additional features, optimizing workflows, and enhancing user experience.


Integrating Xano with Jet Admin empowers developers to build powerful web applications with ease, combining the strengths of backend data management and frontend design capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create custom applications tailored to your specific requirements, whether it's a CRM, admin panel, or internal tool.

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