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FlutterFlow is a low-code builder for developing native mobile applications. You can use our simple drag and drop interface to build your app 10x faster than traditional development.

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FlutterFlow + Xano

In this guide, we'll explore how to seamlessly integrate Xano, a powerful backend platform, with FlutterFlow, a versatile frontend builder. This combination enables you to build flutter apps with no code. Let's dive into the steps to establish this connection.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. A Xano account
  2. A FlutterFlow account

Step 1: Understand Xano's API

Xano provides a comprehensive set of APIs for interacting with your backend data. Familiarize yourself with the different endpoints available in Xano, including those for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data. Additionally, understand how authentication works in Xano if your application requires user authentication.

Step 2: Set Up Your Xano Project

Create a new project in Xano or use an existing one for your application. Define your database schema by creating tables and specifying the fields for each table. Populate your tables with sample data if necessary to facilitate testing during development.

Step 3: Generate API Endpoints in Xano

Once your database schema is defined, generate API endpoints in Xano to interact with your data. For each table, create endpoints for CRUD operations as well as any custom logic you may require. Ensure that your endpoints are properly secured, especially if they involve sensitive data or user authentication.

Step 4: Configure API Calls in FlutterFlow

In your FlutterFlow project, configure API calls to communicate with the endpoints you created in Xano. Use FlutterFlow's intuitive interface to define the endpoints, specify request parameters, and handle responses. Pay attention to error handling and ensure that your application gracefully handles scenarios where API calls fail.

Step 5: Design User Interfaces in FlutterFlow

Utilize FlutterFlow's UI builder to design the frontend components of your application. Create screens, add widgets, and arrange elements to create an intuitive user experience. Ensure that your UI design aligns with your application's functionality and adheres to design best practices for a polished look and feel.

Step 6: Implement Business Logic in FlutterFlow

Incorporate business logic into your FlutterFlow project to define how data is processed and displayed. Leverage FlutterFlow's visual programming capabilities to create workflows, handle user interactions, and manage application state. Integrate API calls seamlessly into your logic to fetch and manipulate data from your Xano backend.

Step 7: Test and Iterate

Test your application thoroughly to ensure that it functions as expected across different devices and screen sizes. Use FlutterFlow's testing features to simulate user interactions and identify any bugs or usability issues. Iterate on your design and functionality based on user feedback and testing results to refine your application further.

Step 8: Deploy Your Application

Once you're satisfied with your application, deploy it to your desired platform for users to access. Utilize FlutterFlow's deployment options to publish your app to the web, Android, iOS, or other platforms. Monitor your application's performance and user feedback post-deployment to make any necessary adjustments and enhancements.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly connect Xano with FlutterFlow to build powerful and feature-rich applications. Leveraging the strengths of both platforms, you can create applications that are not only visually appealing but also robust, scalable, and secure. Experiment with different features and functionalities offered by Xano and FlutterFlow to unlock the full potential of your application development process.

Happy coding!

Xano + FlutterFlow tutorials

Upload your FlutterFlow Images to Xano!
How to integrate Xano + Firebase + FlutterFlow for Social Logins and Push Notifications [Part 1]
Calendly Style Booking System with Xano and FlutterFlow [Part 2]
FlutterFlow and Xano Tips and Tricks
Sign up for XanoSign up for Xano

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