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Bildr + Xano

Integrating Xano with Bildr offers developers a powerful platform combination for developing dynamic, data-driven apps. Xano provides the backend infrastructure, including APIs and databases, while Bildr allows for the creation of intuitive and responsive front-end interfaces. Here’s a detailed guide on how to develop web and mobile applications using Xano and Bildr.

Overview of Xano and Bildr

Xano is known for its robust backend-as-a-service capabilities, which include database management, API creation, and server-side logic, all within a no-code environment.

Bildr focuses on the frontend, providing a no-code solution for designing and deploying web interfaces that are both complex and customizable.

Setting Up the Integration

  1. Setting Up Xano: Begin by creating your backend in Xano. This involves setting up your database schemas, creating APIs, and configuring authentication methods. Xano’s interface makes it simple to set up these elements, even offering pre-built templates for common database schemas.
  2. Developing the Frontend with Bildr: With your backend ready, switch to Bildr to start building your frontend. Bildr’s drag-and-drop interface allows you to visually construct your application without writing code. You can design pages, insert elements, and define interactions directly within the Bildr workspace.
  3. Connecting Xano APIs to Bildr: To connect your Xano backend with the Bildr frontend:
  • Generate API Endpoints in Xano: First, ensure that your API endpoints are properly configured in Xano. These will be used to fetch data from or send data to your backend.
  • Use Bildr’s API Integration Feature: In Bildr, use the API integration tool to connect to your Xano endpoints. You will need to provide the endpoint URLs from Xano and set up the appropriate headers and parameters in Bildr.
  • Authenticating API Requests: If your Xano backend requires authentication, you’ll need to handle API tokens or session cookies in Bildr. Typically, this involves storing the authentication token received from Xano and using it in subsequent API requests to ensure they are recognized as authorized.

Practical Application: Creating a Login System

A common use case is creating a user login system:

  • Xano Setup: Define a user table and create API endpoints for user registration and login, returning a token upon successful authentication.
  • Bildr Setup: Design a login page and connect the form inputs to your Xano login API using Bildr’s API tool.
  • Handling Sessions: Store the login token in local storage or cookies using Bildr’s functionalities, and use this token for subsequent API calls to authenticate user sessions.

Debugging and Testing

Throughout the integration process, continuously test the connection between Xano and Bildr. Ensure that data flows correctly from the frontend to the backend and vice versa. Use the debugging tools available in both platforms to monitor API requests and responses, checking for any errors or issues in data handling.


Integrating Xano with Bildr can significantly enhance your application development capabilities, allowing you to leverage the strengths of both platforms. With Xano managing the backend and Bildr handling the frontend, developers can efficiently create feature-rich, scalable web applications without deep coding knowledge, speeding up the development process and reducing technical debt.

Xano + Bildr tutorials

Xano Authentication with Bildr
Filtering with Checkboxes: Xano + Bildr Data
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